Find Spiritual Growth with Us (4)

Welcome to True Jesus Church, where we journey together towards a deeper understanding of our Savior. This is a reminder for us all to stay vigilant, rooted in faith, and continuously grow in our spiritual journey.

As we navigate a world filled with complexities and challenges, it’s crucial to stay alert and guard against false teachings (Matthew 24:24; 2 Peter 2:1). We invite you to immerse yourself in our enriching resources, such as the enlightening series ‘Be Rooted in Christ,’ which encourages us to anchor our faith in God and His teachings. Be Rooted In Christ (Part 1)

Bible study is another critical aspect of our faith journey. It’s through understanding the Scriptures that we draw closer to God and His wisdom. Explore our comprehensive guide, ‘How to Study the Bible,’ to enhance your journey through God’s Word. How To Study The Bible

Finally, we cannot underestimate the value of active spiritual cultivation. As we grow in Christ, we bear the fruit of our faith, transforming our prayers and our lives. Dive into Be Rooted In Christ (Part 2): Grow in Christ’ to understand the steps towards spiritual growth. Same issue as above.

So, journey with us. Watch, pray, strive for holiness, and live blamelessly. Encourage one another in fellowship and seek God’s sanctification. Together, we’ll hold fast to our faith, which is this Devine love until He comes.

I invite you to join us on this journey of faith and for the enrichment of your life by taking the first step in attending our Fall Evangelical Services and Spiritual Convocation (ESSC) from September 14 to 17, 2023 at our church located as follows:

4N550 Church Road
Bensenville, IL 60106
 Google Maps

For online streaming, please click here.

For regular service hours, please click here.

Email us at

This article underlines the need for solid faith to navigate life’s complexities, especially in the tumultuous end-times. It explores challenges from external sources like societal influences and internal struggles such as self-centeredness. The piece emphasizes rooting oneself in God, Jesus Christ, and the truths of the church, guided by the Holy Spirit, fulfilling God’s plan.

This article underscores the importance of active spiritual cultivation for understanding God’s wisdom. It highlights a holy life, practice of truth, patience, faith in Christ and His Church, and meditation on God’s Word as key steps. The ultimate sign of spiritual growth, it concludes, is fruitful prayers that move beyond physical needs and personal interests, and actively seek God’s teachings and love.

Bible study requires careful reading, active notetaking, consistent prayer, and openness to personal change. A deep understanding is achieved through attentive observation of the text, prayerful appeal for Holy Spirit’s guidance, and a willingness to allow God’s Word to inspire transformation in our lives.