Post Spring ESSC 2024 Reflection (4) 

Roles we play in our journey to eternal life

Going into this spring Evangelical Services and Spiritual Convocation (ESSC), I was confused, even troubled to some extent, on how to balance and navigate among different roles I have to play in life: a mom, a wife, a sister, and a daughter. But God made it simple for me. The most important role we have on earth in our journey to eternal life is to be God’s children. And He will take care of the rest for He is the source of wisdom and life.

During the last prayer session, I was holding my little girl when praying, thanking Him for her baptism (details can be shared separately). She can now start the journey to eternal life. Suddenly I felt touched by our Heavenly Father’s love.  I also felt that His hand was laid on me throughout the praying section, as if He was telling me that He would be there for me no matter what happens. Yes, every engaged parent would do anything and everything for their child(ren) and give them the best. Jesus set an example that He sacrificed Himself on the cross for us for salvation. Sure, I am a mother, but I am also God’s child. We are our Father’s children, but we often forget when overwhelmed by other roles on earth.

But you might ask, how? How to be a child of God? Let me tell you. I was blest to stay with two little boys at the tail end of ESSC. I used to tell myself that I had to make this amount of money or reach a certain level before being able to love others in the Lord. But these two little boys showed me the completely opposite. They love each other by caring, playing and praying together, but what do they have that enables such strength and focus? In fact, in the past 18 months they lost their mother and grandmother (2 weeks before ESSC). No children deserve to go through this, yet they never hesitate to love others.

Back to my question: what do they have? They have a priceless pure heart with immense trust. I was struck and awakened by their purity. This ESSC deepened and sensitized me to see needs of others, in the Lord. There are challenges in life, but God is the ultimate source of healing and strength. Being a good child of God requires nothing but a pure heart to listen to, trust and obey Him. For God is the most valuable thing in the world, we must not lose the status of His child on the journey to eternal life. Jesus said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt 18:3)

Whether kids or adults, and no matter what role we play, God is always there in the journey to eternal life. You are also His beloved child. Join the journey to eternal together today! Our church address is as follows:

True Jesus Church
4N550 Church Road
Bensenville, IL 60106
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