Post Spring ESSC 2024 Reflection (5)

Often, when I visit our church chapel for Sabbath service or special events like the Evangelical Service and Spiritual Convocation (ESSC), I find it is a place for me to escape from worries of my daily life’s struggles. The Spring ESSC, also give me an environment and channel for me to get healings from God.

It is not easy for me to describe, but I feel that the Holy Spirit changed the taste of my inner being, from something bitter and heavy, to something mint-flavored, fresh, and sweet.

Then I know, this is the healing power from God, to ensure me. That I should input my sincere efforts in my life with a more faithful mind-set.  God’s Holy Spirit especially, fills people’s heart in His Chapel, His Church, and His ESSC because He is leading people to come. As it is written, 【Eph1:22】And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church,

【Eph1:23】which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

God gives His Spirit to people, to prove that this is the True Church for His people to go to. God blessed this ESSC, because He genuinely blessed two people the Holy Spirit, while they were fully engaged in the ESSC. One was a baptized member, and another one was a truth seeker friend, who had come to church for only the second time!

And if you come, you may get it too!

Another thing about ESSC, which hit me as a hint was about people’s reconciliation in church. As a council member of church, I often struggled because I became sensitive about issues that need to be resolved in church. It is a very overwhelming experience for me, as I often don’t have solutions for those issues. Because the issues are about people. Wherever people gather, the drama unfolds.

But during this ESSC. I observed the trend of reconciliations of people in church. Ice began to melt. People started to talk. We started to communicate, clarify issues, and confess. That is a sign, that we are stepping into the right direction.

Also, I learned that Holy Communion was a major form for people to get reconciled. I believe it is God who inspired Pastor Hu, to give this speech while conducting Holy Communion. He said, if anyone was holding grudge against someone, if anyone was holding hatred, thinking about revenge, or keep bullying other brothers and sisters, then he/she should not take this Holy Communion.

While, I was helping to serve the Holy Communion, I witnessed how brothers and sisters were taking the Holy Communion sincerely. It brought me peace and now, I believe God will cause people who were troubled with relationships to “reset” their respective relationship buttons. God sacrificed Himself to create a channel for us to be united in Him. Thus, we all need to give up our own grudges in life, to become a better Christian, because of His love.

Welcome to the True Jesus church to pursue God with us. His Spirit testifies that we are His People.

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