Find True Peace & Love with Us (7)

As a builder among those who answered Nehemiah’s call, I witnessed the revival of our beloved Jerusalem. Once the walls rose again, we saw Nehemiah, a man of valor and vision, become our governor. His leadership was a testament to his unyielding faith in God, even when faced with adversity.

We rebuilt the walls amidst taunts and threats, finishing in an astounding fifty-two days—a testament to our collective strength and Nehemiah’s guidance. Yet, when Nehemiah returned from a brief absence, he found our commitment wavering.  Sounds familiar?  Sometimes even when we achieve remarkable success under great leadership with God’s assurance, we cave in to fear enemy threats and worries.  We need to rely on and be close to God always—in good times and in bad times with or without the presence of a human leader. The temple was misused, the Sabbath desecrated, and our people had again intermingled with foreigners, forgetting the very laws that kept us close to God.  We, the builders, were not strong enough in the Lord and that’s how we lost it.  

Nehemiah’s fervor didn’t falter. He cleansed the temple, reinstated the Levites, and enforced the sanctity of the Sabbath. His actions, though severe, were necessary to steer us back to righteousness. He cast out the foreign influences, reminding us of the covenant we had with our God. His faithfulness inspired us, to repent to God, and get closer to Him again.  God manifested His great mercy through His servant, Nehemiah.  Likewise, today, we need to heed the call to return, repent and ask God for forgiveness.

To us builders, Nehemiah was more than a governor; he was a shepherd guiding his wayward flock back to the fold. His deep love for God and for us spurred his determination to renew our faith and ensure that the law of God was not just obeyed but lived with joy and reverence.  God is gracious and merciful.  He sends us helpers and we need to be able to recognize them as God’s intervention to help us find our way back to Him.  Sometimes we can get so consumed in living in the world that we miss the cues and telling sins from God to return to Him.

Though opposition was fierce and the tasks daunting, Nehemiah’s resolve was strengthened by the Lord. He was driven by the memory of our ancestors’ laments by the rivers of Babylon, and his desire to not let history repeat itself was unwavering.  Om pir “builder” role today, consider how we can learn from the builders then under God’s ultimate leadership.  How can we grow our own spirituality to be the next builder-servant leader for God?

The restoration of the walls was not just about stones and mortar; it was about rebuilding our identity as God’s chosen people. Our story of rebuilding the walls is a legacy of faith, a testament to the power of a united community under God’s grace, and a reminder that with dedication and divine guidance, we can overcome any adversity.

If we are faithful to God, then He will bless us with peace and love on earth and ultimately be with Him in heavenly kingdom.

We warmly invite you to come to the True Jesus Church’s bi-annual Evangelical Service and Spiritual Convocation.  See details below.

18-21 April, 2024 Evangelical Service and Spiritual Convocation

Thursday, 18 April, 2024 6:50PM to 8:10PM
Friday and Saturday, 19-20 April, 2024 9:00AM to 8:10PM
Sunday, 21 April, 2024 9:00AM to 1:00PM
Complimentary lunch and dinner will be served.

Please find our church location below:

True Jesus Church

4N550 Church Road
Bensenville, IL 60106
 Google Maps

For online streaming, please click here.

For regular service hours, please click here.

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Abraham’s journey from Ur to Canaan becomes a testament to trusting God amidst life’s upheavals. Building an altar not only signified his gratitude for God’s promises but also set a precedent for modern spiritual practice, emphasizing the importance of recognizing God’s presence in our lives and the futility of efforts without divine guidance. Abraham’s story encourages establishing a personal space for faith within the family, underscoring that while teachings and traditions lay the foundation, the true transformation starts at home through consistent, lived examples of faith.

Job’s story illustrates a father’s proactive care in seeking God’s forgiveness for his children, emphasizing the importance of a ‘family altar’—a dedicated time and space for families to unite under God’s word. It serves as a compass to guide and correct, a source of comfort, and a reminder that faith matters. This family practice is a testament to the enduring power of communication and prayer within the family unit.

Noah’s story exemplifies gratitude in the face of survival, acknowledging God’s grace beyond human capabilities. His act of building an altar teaches the timeless lesson of recognizing divine providence in our lives, urging us to appreciate both the monumental and everyday blessings, and to express gratitude to God and those around us. This narrative reminds us to honor the source of all goodness with humility and respect, maintaining a genuine connection with the divine and our community.