God Will Provide

Our family immigrated from Japan to New Zealand and experienced God’s provision firsthand. We learned two important lessons: God provides when our requests align with His will, and when we have faith and courage to act upon them. Just as Philippians 4:19 states: “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Although we cherished our life in Japan, we desired a more ideal existence. Our motives for immigration were simple: to be closer to our church and to have more quality time with family. We believed that by living near the church and embracing a simpler lifestyle, we could draw nearer to God, as stated in James 4:8 “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”

Our home in Japan was far from the nearest True Jesus Church, requiring a 1.5-hour drive, allowing us to attend services only once a week. Additionally, my husband’s stressful job led him to mild depression, despite a good salary. Long working hours left little time for himself or his family. Determined to change our circumstances, we applied for New Zealand residency and received approval after a year. My husband immediately resigned from his job.

However, our journey was not without challenges. Despite applying to numerous companies in New Zealand, my husband received no favorable responses. Nevertheless, we held onto God’s promise and purchased flight tickets, venturing to a foreign land without accommodation, employment, or school arrangements. On arrival, we discovered a scarcity of rental properties due to earthquake damage and an influx of people assisting in the rebuilding of Christchurch.

Miraculously, within a month, my husband secured a job at a reputable company. Though previously rejected by the same company, his Japanese background worked in his favor as they sought to win a project from Japan, resulting in a generous job offer.

We realized that God’s grace proved sufficient after our immigration to New Zealand. Living just a seven-minute drive from our church, we could attend services four times a week. Unlike in Japan, my husband returned home at 5 p.m. each day. We not only achieved our goals but also encountered unexpected blessings in our new city, which perfectly suited our lifestyle.

Above testimony by a sister from Japan encourages reflection on personal dreams. Are you aligned with God’s will? Above all, are you willing to let go? By relinquishing control and trusting in God’s provision, He not only meets your needs but also bestows additional blessings. We invite you to join us on this journey of faith and for the fulfillment of your living dream. Please visit our website for our worship service hours and address.  We look forward to seeing you soon! 

Please find our church location below:

4N550 Church Road
Bensenville, IL 60106
 Google Maps

For online streaming, please click here.

For regular service hours, please click here.

Email us at ilovejesus@tjc-chicago.org