A faith that is never compromised

Using God’s Word as a Guide

When Jesus was faced with temptations, he countered Satan with God’s Word. Even though the temptations were intense, he steadfastly resisted, because he had God’s Word in his heart. Likewise, today, our faith must be built upon God’s Word and firmly rooted within it.

As we delve into God’s Word, it’s crucial to maintain an attitude of prayer, humbling our hearts, and seeking a genuine understanding of what God intends to teach us through His Word. Only then can the truth take root within us, allowing us to withstand the pressures imposed by the world that urge us to compromise our faith.

Through the Power of Prayer

During His earthly ministry, Jesus devoted ample time to prayer. Prior to facing temptation, He fasted and prayed in the wilderness for forty days and nights. Consequently, when Satan attempted to tempt Jesus, He remembered God’s Word, enabling Him to use it as a weapon against the devil.

Daniel, too, was a fervent prayer warrior. The Bible tells us that he prayed three times daily, even when the king decreed that no one should petition any deity or individual for thirty days. Whenever Daniel struggled to comprehend prophecies and visions, he sought understanding from God through prayer (Dan 2:17-23, 9:20-23).

Today, we might be studying the Bible or absorbing God’s Word through sermons. However, without prayer, we might not fully grasp or retain God’s Word. The guidance of the Holy Spirit is vital for understanding and drawing inspiration from God’s Word (John 16:13). As a result, we must consistently pray, asking the Lord to unveil truth to us. If we intertwine meditation on God’s Word with our prayers, He will open our spiritual eyes, granting us insight into His will and empowering us to act upon His Word.

Practical Application of God’s Word

Once we’ve embraced God’s Word, it’s imperative to translate it into practical action. Similar to Paul’s unwavering defense of the truth when faced with challenges (Acts 15:1-5; Colossians 2), we must also stand up for our faith. This not only aligns with our convictions but also leads to a deepened experience of the Lord’s grace, further strengthening our faith.

In our journey of faith, it’s essential to consistently draw near to God, immersing ourselves in His Word and engaging in fervent prayer. If we wholeheartedly seek Him, allowing His Spirit and His Word to take residence within us, while also actively living out the truth, we’ll never run dry of personal encounters with the Lord.

I invite you to join us on this journey of knowing God by taking the first step in attending our Fall Evangelical Services and Spiritual Convocation (ESSC) from September 14 to 17, 2023 at our church located as follows:

4N550 Church Road
Bensenville, IL 60106
 Google Maps

For online streaming, please click here.

For regular service hours, please click here.

Email us at ilovejesus@tjc-chicago.org