Peace & Love Wave 1 IA Content 1

Meeting Jesus in an Optical Shop

After school, I was walking down the street thinking about how my glasses have been dirty lately, no matter how I clean them. Then I noticed a new optical shop had just opened, with a red banner hanging at the entrance. I stopped for a moment, then decided to go in and have my glasses cleaned. As I opened the door, I heard soft music playing.

A few minutes later, a store clerk came out and asked warmly if I needed anything, and whether I’d had my eyes checked recently. In fact, my nearsightedness is only about 100–200 degrees. Most of it is pseudo-myopia, but I thought glasses made me look cooler and more studious, so I begged my parents to buy me a new pair. When I heard the eye exam was free and came with a small gift, I quickly agreed!

I went into the examination room. Inside, someone was carefully wiping lenses. His movements were precise, and after placing the lenses gently on a soft pad, he finally looked up. The clerk greeted him and then left.

I looked closely and realized this person was the Lord Jesus! Why was He working here?

He called my name, saying, “Little Wei, you finally came! I’ve been waiting for you!” Surprised, I asked, “Why are You here? How did You know I’d walk in?”

Jesus replied sadly, “People today only see work and their own desires. Wherever someone’s treasure is, that’s where their heart is. So I’m here to help everyone adjust how they see the world. As for knowing you’d come—everything that seems like a coincidence is actually My arrangement, giving you the chance to meet Me!”

Jesus pointed to a chair, so I put down my bag and sat. Then He turned off the light. I got nervous because I’ve been afraid of the dark since I was little. It was as if He understood my fear—He gently placed His hand on my shoulder and said, “Don’t be afraid. Darkness exists only when there is no light, and I am the light!” He handed me a pair of glasses.

When I put them on, it was like a light turning on. Instead of seeing lines or different shades of light and dark, I started seeing scenes from my past, like a movie reel.

I saw myself as a child praying for the first time, receiving the Holy Spirit for the first time, going to religious education class at church with my parents, smiling brightly and playing with friends. Then, in junior high, friends started drifting away—some spent weekends with classmates, some went to cram school, others stayed for club activities. Now in my third year of high school, it’s my turn to go to cram school, and I barely go to church anymore.

One scene after another showed how my time is consumed by endless schoolwork. On the surface, it looks like I’m learning a lot every day, but I feel emptier inside, like I’ve lost something. Feeling worn out from school, clashing with my parents, working hard without seeing results—in the rush between school and cram classes, I only hear my own breathing.

Without realizing it, tears started falling. The weight on my shoulders had always been there, but only then did I notice how tired I really was.

Jesus gently patted my head and handed me a tissue and a bottle of eye drops, signaling me to put them in my eyes.

After I used the drops and put on the glasses again, my perspective changed. I saw my same daily life, but now Jesus was in it. When I came back from cram school on the Sabbath, I saw Jesus standing at the church doors waiting for me. He looked relieved to see me and smiled. When I was exhausted at school and lay my head on the desk, Jesus was sitting next to me. And at night, when my prayers lasted less than a minute before I lay down, I saw Jesus still holding the “microphone” that connected us, unwilling to let go.

In so many everyday moments, Jesus was there all along—I just didn’t notice Him.

The last scene showed me receiving the Holy Spirit, and the joy on my face.

Jesus said, “The eye is the lamp of the body; if your eye is clear, your whole body is full of light. You need to stay filled with the Holy Spirit to see Me.” Suddenly, I felt calm inside, like the comforting feeling of being home.

I stored that image deep in my mind.

When I took off the glasses, I realized the exam room was still dark, but I was no longer afraid. Jesus turned on the light and said my glasses were cleaned. He told me to come back next time if I could.

I picked up my bag and put on my original glasses. I noticed the cleaning cloth had a dove logo—exactly like the one at our church! That’s when I realized this optical shop belonged to Jesus!

“I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.” (Revelation 3:18).

That ointment refers to the Holy Spirit.

“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light.23But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Matthew 6:22–23)

Come and learn more about the Doctrine through bible study, sermons and fellowship. We warmly invite you to our upcoming Spring Evangelical Service and Spiritual Convocation (ESSC) to discover how we can ensure a lasting spiritual legacy. Come, bring your family, and let’s run this race together in faith!

You can also join us for the Spring 2025 ESSC via online streaming.  

Thursday, April 17, 2025 6:50PM to 8:10PM
Friday and Saturday, April 18-19, 2025 9:00AM to 8:10PM
Sunday, April 20, 2025 9:00AM to 1:00PM

Please find our church location below:

4N550 Church Road
Bensenville, IL 60106
Google Maps

In the meantime, please feel free to join us for our regular Sabbath (Friday evening and Saturday) services online or in-person.

Friday Evening Service:  7:50PM – 9:00PM

Saturday Morning Service:  10:50AM – 12:00Noon

Saturday Afternoon Service:  1:30PM – 2:40PM

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