Spiritual Growth Wave 2 IA Content 2

Not to Judge: Embracing All in Faith

In my reflections, I’ve come to recognize that prejudice often clouds our judgment, formed swiftly without proper thought, knowledge, or empathy. It’s a humbling realization that my background, skills, and experiences differ vastly from others, which means my approach to helping should be tailored, not based on preconceived notions.

In the scripture, Matthew 18:6 warns of the severe consequences for those who hinder the faith of ‘little ones’. I understand that my actions, even if unintentional, can become stumbling blocks for others in their spiritual journey. This was evident when the disciples, operating from their values, discouraged children from coming to Jesus (Mark 10:13) or tried to silence those calling out to Him (Mark 9:38, 10:46-48).

Today, I ponder on the barriers I might be erecting, whether tangible like a church’s rigid service timetable that excludes some members, or intangible such as a lack of welcome that leaves some feeling alienated. It’s clear that we must strive to support each member’s faith until they are strong enough to fully embrace God’s commands, much like nurturing a child until they can act independently.

Witnessing people feeling unwelcome at church compels me to consider how we, as a church community, might inadvertently reflect the exclusionary attitude of the Pharisees, who knew Scripture but lacked God’s love (John 5:38-44). The Apostle Paul teaches us to look beyond flaws, to see the good in our brothers and sisters, and to treat each other with humility and patience (Ephesians 4:1-4).

Thus, I am called to view each member of our church as integral, regardless of their spiritual maturity or understanding. Our shared faith binds us, and it is through love, gentleness, and endurance that we can grow together. The Holy Spirit guides me to love without barriers, to recognize the needs over weaknesses, and to remember that Christ’s way is the path of welcoming and nurturing love for all.

We warmly invite you to come to the True Jesus Church’s bi-annual Evangelical Service and Spiritual Convocation.  See details below.

18-21 April, 2024 Evangelical Service and Spiritual Convocation

Thursday, 18 April, 2024 6:50PM to 8:10PM
Friday and Saturday, 19-20 April, 2024 9:00AM to 8:10PM
Sunday, 21 April, 2024 9:00AM to 1:00PM
Complimentary lunch and dinner will be served.

Please find our church location below:

4N550 Church Road
Bensenville, IL 60106
 Google Maps

For online streaming, please click here.

For regular service hours, please click here.

Email us at ilovejesus@tjc-chicago.org