Post Spring ESSC 2024 Reflection (9)

Water Baptism in Living Water (Matt 3:13-16)

To me, the Evangelical Service and Spiritual Convocation (ESSC) is an opportunity for  thanksgiving, receiving blessings, pondering upon God’s teachings and inspecting ourselves for repentance.

My husband and I booked the flight to Chicago from Florida on March 20th. We felt different and anxious about this Spring ESSC because our granddaughter (Grace) who just turned three months old was getting baptized. We wanted to persuade our daughter to wait until the Fall ESSC for the weather would be warmer and the baby would be seven months old. But she said, “It is okay. Leave it to God. He will watch over us.” But my husband and I did not feel the ease until the baptism was completed on April 21st.

Thanks to God for His arrangement that on the 21st the weather was nice and sunny, but we still wore winter coats; some brothers and sisters were with scarf and even heating pads. Everyone in the family went to the site, including both daughters and both sons-in-law, as well as many other brothers and sisters in Christ. There was another young brother who got baptized on the same day with our granddaughter.

Our granddaughter was the first one to get baptized. When she was carried away by the pastor, brothers and sisters were singing hymns and praying at the shore. My husband and I were not in the mood to sing, we wish we could go into the water with the pastor and the baby girl. We stared at the direction of the baby.  Instead of the baby crying, we, the grandparents were crying. We cried not because we were touched, but because we were worried. We could not bear to let her go for she was too little. We worried that she would catch a cold and get ill. And there was a lot more that we were thinking about…

When the baby girl was carried up from the water and my daughter took over and held her tight in her arms, we were all surrounding the baby girl. Thank God, the baby looked around and smiled. And now we cried again, not because of unease, but because of joy and being touched. John 3:16 says “for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” What confusion or unease we need to have, then? “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16)” “He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. (Psalms 23:2)” We can see that the Lord wants us to come near Him without worries, so that we will be provided physically, mentally and spiritually. In the future He will lead us to the spring of life.

Going through this experience of witnessing our granddaughter’s baptism and seeing the strength and faith of our daughter taught my husband and I many things.  It made us realize the power of strong faith and not being consumed by simple, trivia matters like weather, wave conditions etc.  We were a bit ashamed that we, the grandparents, were the ones crying because we were worried for the baby but the baby was the one who was calm and trusting.  We may all be older in age but still have a lot of growing up to do spiritually.  Lord, You show me only delighting and trusting in God brings the fulfilling joy and satisfaction. Only with God, we will receive blessings and happiness from God.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; …and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18; 23)

Thanks to the Lord for His arrangement, guidance and protection. We are so joyful that our first grandchild has now been added to God’s fold.  May God bless baby Grace as she grows up in the Lord with proper guidance.  May all the glory, honor and praise be onto our Lord Jesus Christ!

Come join us to worship of God on Sabbath Day.  Stay tuned for details on the Fall  ESSC in Chicago.

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