Post Spring ESSC 2024 Reflection (7) 

My Heavenly Father Knows

Thank God for giving us the opportunity to attend the Spring 2024 Evangelical Service and Spiritual Convocation (ESSC). I was exceptionally fortunate to share my testimony with everyone. Besides the testimony I shared during the ESSC, here is a small reflection and testimony I hope to share with you as well in writing.

Let’s go back a bit to the fall of 2023. The fall of 2023 was stressful for me because I was in the job market for a tenure-track faculty position. The tenure-track faculty job market has been extremely tough after COVID. Everyone was pretty stressed about it. Many good researchers did not get a chance to get the job they wanted. I was equally stressed as well. In order to be more competitive, I was in a crazy loop almost every day—waking up, doing research, writing a paper, refining job applications, and submitting job applications—and I did not know whether there would be any outcome at all. Maybe I had to take a postdoc for a bit? Maybe I need to try somewhere outside of the US? I don’t know. Under such stress, I felt that I was not thankful and had a lot of anger, not to mention anxiety and stress. 

However, because of God, things changed during the Fall 2023 ESSC. During the Fall 2023 ESSC, with no expectation at all, Pastor Huang suddenly reached out and asked me whether I would be willing to share anything during the Spring 2024 ESSC. All of a sudden, I felt like God was with me. God knew what I was going through and what I needed. A voice inside my heart was telling me, “Do not worry about your life and future; you will have had a lot of blessings from me to share with people by the 2024 Spring ESSC, although you might feel like you are so stressed now. If you need evidence, the invitation from Pastor Huang is the evidence. I give you this opportunity because I want to show you how much grace you will have received from me by the Spring 2024 ESSC. Do not worry.” 

Indeed, many, many amazing things happened right after. I got a job, am currently nearing the final stage of my PhD, and could join the 2024 ESSC and share my other testimony with people. When I actually stood up to share in front of all the church members, I realized much more and more how much God loved me: “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?” (Matthew 6:25) Thank God, and all the glory to God.

Come join us to worship God.  Your Heavenly Father knows what you need…believe and trust Him.

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