Post Spring ESSC 2024 Reflection (10)

Grow in the Lord, so We can Glorify Him

At the beginning of 2024, we welcomed a new member to our family, a baby girl! She is truly a gift from our Lord. I can’t remember how many times my wife and I rejoiced and said: “Look at how blessed we are to have such a ‘textbook’ baby, it must be God thinking this is all we can handle.” In fact, we can barely handle this.

In the past few months, I have been struggling to be a father, a husband, and a Christian. I felt all the existing, new, and upcoming responsibilities became a mountain on my shoulders. I was swamped by all the new events like taking care of a newborn, moving to Chicago to stay closer to God, and finding a new job here to support the family. I prayed to God: “Dear Lord Jesus Christ, please forgive me for I am a sinner who ran away from the responsibilities. Please, guide me again.”

Fast forward to the 2024 spring ESSC. Pastor Huang raised a question in the sermon “Be Occupied By God Given Tasks” “If everyone under the sun has tribulations, what makes it different between the members of True Jesus Church and other people? Regardless one is a believer or not, gives Tithe or not, observes the Sabbath or not, tribulations in life exist. The difference is we have peace in the Lord, we have a comforter when we are sad, when we are lost we have direction, and Jesus would wipe the tears away while we are crying. With tribulations, we grow; the more we grow in the Lord, the more we can glorify Him. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us”. Romans 5:3-5

This powerful sermon not only comforted me but also guided me to stand up firmly to carry the responsibilities. I started with breaking the cycle of making mistakes and blaming others as a cover for myself by facing the mistakes and learning what should be done instead. This was followed by proactive communication and observation, understanding needs that must be cared for. The ability to see situations is getting clearer now because I am not passively waiting for things to happen; instead, I am actively making efforts to move forward. Thank God, I can adjust my telecommute schedule to accommodate my work to lock time for holy works, maximizing the time I can spend with my family while minimizing the travel time between states. Staying close to God is always the answer.

I re-watched the sermons again and again, and continue to receive new strength from it. Therefore, I encourage you to join us for Sabbath worship.

Our church address is as follows:

True Jesus Church
4N550 Church Road
Bensenville, IL 60106
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