Then God said to Solomon: “Because this was in your heart, and you have not asked riches or wealth or honor or the life of your enemies, nor have you asked long life — but have asked wisdom and knowledge for yourself, that you may judge My people over whom I have made you king — wisdom and knowledge are granted to you; and I will give you riches and wealth and honor, such as none of the kings have had who were before you, nor shall any after you have the like.” (2 Chronicles 1:11-12)
神對所羅門說:「我已立你作我民的王。你既有這心意,並不求資財、豐富、尊榮,也不求滅絕那恨你之人的性命,又不求大壽數,只求智慧聰明好判斷我的民;我必賜你智慧聰明,也必賜你資財、豐富、尊榮。在你以前的列王都沒有這樣,在你以後也必沒有這樣的。」(曆代志下 1:11-12)
神对所罗门说:“我已立你作我民的王。你既有这心意,并不求资财、丰富、尊荣,也不求灭绝那恨你之人的性命,又不求大寿数,只求智慧聪明好判断我的民;我必赐你智慧聪明,也必赐你资财、丰富、尊荣。在你以前的列王都没有这样,在你以后也必没有这样的。”(历代志下 1:11-12)