
We’re glad you could visit this site. Here, you can get to know the truth as given by Christ and experienced by the apostles. Many have experienced God’s presence and salvation in the True Jesus Church through various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Get started by browsing our site! Discover if your understanding of the gospel is complete, seek answers to misconceptions about Christian beliefs, grow by studying the Bible, or watch our stories of people whose lives have been changed.

Better yet, join us at one of our Sabbath services. We have locations in more than 60 countries/regions across six continents, and the True Jesus Church’s mission is to continue spreading the word and leading people to salvation in Christ.

During our worship services, we sing hymns of praise. We share the word of God. We pray in the Spirit. The church also offers activities for the spiritual growth of the members, such as Bible studies, fellowship, choir, as well as children and youth classes for all ages.

We invite you to receive this wonderful gift of eternal life through our Lord Jesus. The God who has changed the lives of so many can do the same for you. Please feel free to contact us by finding a True Jesus Church near you, filling out our online form, or sending us an email.

Who We Are

The True Jesus Church originated in Beijing, China in 1917. The Holy Spirit revealed the truth to the early workers and established the True Jesus Church. Since then, the gospel of salvation has spread from east to west across the world, and to date it has a history of more than a hundred years.

The True Jesus Church was not founded by certain individuals. Neither was it derived from any denomination. It was founded by the Holy Spirit. By His grace and mercy, God our Father established the True Jesus Church to restore the church of the apostolic days. Everywhere that this gospel of the kingdom is preached, we witness the Lord Jesus pouring out the promised Holy Spirit. Those who receive the Holy Spirit speak in tongues, just as when the apostles first received the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:47, 11:17). By the authority given by the Holy Spirit, the True Jesus Church baptizes in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins (Jn 20:21-23; Acts 2:38).

The True Jesus Church is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone (Eph 2:20). Therefore, it adheres to the truth of the Bible and firmly believes that the way of salvation must be completed according to the Bible, without any additions or subtractions. The True Jesus Church preaches the truth of salvation, and God testifies to the truth according to His will through signs, miracles, and the gift of the Holy Spirit (Heb 2:3-4; Mark 16:20).

In the history of the church from its beginning until now, God’s miraculous deeds have defied rational explanation. This is because the Holy Spirit has worked in the church since its establishment and has never stopped. If it were not for God, the True Jesus Church never would have risen from the impoverished and undeveloped Chinese society of the early twentieth century. But the church flourished and developed rapidly even amidst the anti-superstition and science-centered ideological trends at the time. If it were not for God, the True Jesus Church would not have continued to develop, receiving no financial support from foreign missionaries. We wholeheartedly thank God that the gospel of salvation has currently spread to six continents and over sixty countries. Our believers worldwide come from many different races, and more churches continue to be established everywhere under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The mission of the True Jesus Church is to spread the gospel of salvation to all the world, to make all peoples disciples of the Lord Jesus, and to teach the disciples to obey everything the Lord Jesus commanded. The church strives to adorn herself to be ready to welcome the Lord’s return (Rev 21:2).

What We Believe

  • 耶稣基督, the Word who became flesh, died on the cross for the redemption of sinners, resurrected on the third day and ascended to heaven. He is the only Savior of mankind, the Creator of the heavens and earth, and the only true God. (1 Tim 3:16; 1 Cor 15:3-4; Acts 4:12)
  • The 信圣经, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, is inspired by God, the only scriptural truth, and the standard for Christian living. (2 Tim 3:16)
  • The 真耶稣教会, established by our Lord Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit during the time of the ‘latter rain’, is the restored True Church of the apostolic time. (Joel 2:23; Amos 9:11)
  • 信浸礼 is the sacrament for the remission of sins for regeneration. The baptism must take place in natural living water, such as the river, sea, or spring. The Baptist, who already has had received baptism of water and the Holy Spirit, conducts the baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the person receiving the baptism must be completely immersed in water with head bowed and face downward. (Jn 3:5; Mt 3:16; Acts 2:38, 10:48)
  • Receiving the 圣灵, evidenced by speaking in tongues, is the guarantee of our inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven. (Rom 8:16; Eph 1:13-14)
  • The sacrament of Foot Washing enables one to have a part with the Lord Jesus. It also serves as a constant reminder that one should have love, holiness, humility, forgiveness, and service. Every person who has received water baptism must have his/her feet washed in the name of Jesus Christ. Mutual foot washing may be practiced whenever is appropriate. (Jn 13:1-7)
  • The 信圣餐礼 is the sacrament to commemorate the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. It enables us to partake of the flesh and blood of our Lord and to be in communion with Him so that we can have eternal life and be raised on the Last Day. This sacrament shall be held as often as possible. Only one unleavened bread and grape juice shall be used. (1 Cor 10:17, 11:26; Jn 6:53; Mk 14:24-25)
  • The Sabbath day, the seventh day of the week (Saturday), is a Holy Day, blessed and sanctified by God. It is to be observed under the Lord’s grace for the commemoration of God’s creation and salvation and with the hope of eternal rest in the life to come. (Gen 2:2-3; Heb 4:9-11)
  • 信得救 is given by the grace of God through faith. Believers must rely on the Holy Spirit to pursue holiness, to honor God, and to love humanity. (Eph 2:8)
  • The Lord’s Second Coming will take place on the Last Day when He descends from heaven to judge the world: the righteous will receive eternal life, while the wicked will be eternally condemned. (Mt 25:31-34; 1 Thess 4:16-17)
Why We Are Here

We are here today because the True Jesus Church has been established by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This is the same way the Lord Jesus established His church in the Bible (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-33). Wherever the True Jesus Church may be in the world, we can witness the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which is evidenced by speaking in tongues. People who come to hear the good news of Jesus Christ and pray to Him can experience firsthand the presence of the Lord in the church.

Because of the presence of the Holy Spirit, baptism administered by church in the name of the Lord Jesus has the power to wash away sin. All who are baptized belong to this one body of Christ, regardless of ethnic background or social status (1 Cor 12:13).

Furthermore, the Holy Spirit confirms the commission which Jesus entrusted to His church—to preach the good news and baptize for the remission of sins. Our mission therefore is to bring people of all nations into the one body of Christ. Our sincere hope is for you to come and experience God Himself in the true church.

When and Where

We have locations around the world with varying service times. To find out when and where you can join a True Jesus Church worship service, please visit the Find a Church page. By entering your location, you will be able to view a list of nearby churches, their respective worship times and contact details.

True Jesus Church generally does not hold services on Sunday because we observe the Sabbath, which is on the seventh day of the week (Saturday). To find out why it is important to keep the Sabbath day, read about it here.

If you are unable to join us in a worship service, feel free to access our wide collection of audio and video sermon recordings at your convenience.

(Source: TJC.org)